Thursday, May 31, 2007

International Law Comparison. (Posted by Gabe)

Just the other day, the news broke on a decision by the Malaysian equivalent of the Supreme Court. The decision was both atrocious and fascinating at the same time.

If you are familiar with international law in general, you are probably familiar with Shari'a Law, which can be very roughly analogized with the common law for the Arab world. Shari'a has been around for centuries, and has been reasoned out by Islamic philosophers and theologians in a fashion rather similar to the way that philosophers like Locke, Blackstone, and Rousseau reasoned the common law from Biblical principles.

Shari'a, of course, is reasoned from the Qur'an, and forms the basis of Islamic jurisprudence. It differs very strikingly from the common law, though, in that it mandates Islam as a religion, and certain religious practices. There is no way for one to be a Christian and follow the Shari'a law, while every religion could follow the common law.

There are many countries that are more recent "converts" to Islam, and nations that want to be secular, that have a dual system of law--a secular Constitution and body of laws that apply to all, and Shari'a, which only applies to Muslims.

Lina Joy was a Muslim, but converted to Christianity. In order to do that, in Malaysia, you have to apply for a "Certificate of Apostasy" to be designated a non-Muslim. The recent decision said, in effect, that you can only get such a certificate from the Shari'a courts that are tasked with enforcing Muslim beliefs!

That raises fascinating questions about how the law is supposed to work. It wasn't too long ago (past couple hundred years) that Christian nations had canon law courts, to enforce certain church laws. Now, of course, we argue about things like prayer in schools and government "endorsement" of religion.

What do you think is the appropriate measure for the authority of the church and the authority of the government? Do they mix, or are they separate?

More over at Right Reason, and at Time.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Law Prof Blogs. (Posted by Gabe)

My internet wanderings today took me to a site that I thought you all might be interested in, for your paralegal studies and personal knowledge. Happy reading!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

You’re Done with 3rd Quarter Finals! (Posted by Jenny)

Congratulations, guys! You have completed 3rd quarter finals which means…..YOU ARE 3 QUARTERS OF THE WAY THROUGH THE PARALEGAL PROGRAM!! Applause, whistles, cheers, etc.

Now is the time to take Gabe’s wonderful advice and forget about your finals. They are over (for better or worse – hopefully for better!) so leave them behind you. No worrying, fretting, wondering, obsessing, etc. will be tolerated from any of you!:) Just kidding. But in all seriousness, take it from one who spent many an hour wondering if they had answered this or that correctly: enjoy your break!! The 4th quarter will start before you know it so shut the law books and give yourself some well-deserved R & R!

A big thank you to Gabe for doing an outstanding job as 3rd quarter mentor!! Gabe, I know I speak for everyone when I say we are so grateful for you & the sacrificial investment of your time these last months!! I hope you will weigh in with your comments often during the 4th quarter!

Alex will be taking over as 4th quarter mentor when your courses begin again so keep checking the blog for his posts and e-mail your questions to him at Also, since I am serving in a general support capacity, don’t hesitate to contact me as well (

Have a delightful break and we’ll look forward to hearing from you in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Study Breaks (Posted by Jenny)

Hello all!

As you countdown the last few days before finals, I would encourage you to keep the following in mind. When I took this advice it helped me tremendously. When I didn’t, I suffered unpleasant consequences.

It is a great temptation (with finals looming) to study flat out whenever you can for as long as you can. While my thoughts on “cramming for tests” are another sermon for another day, I cannot encourage you strongly enough to sprinkle breaks liberally throughout your study time.

I am not talking about long breaks. But no matter how hard it is, make yourself stop after you have studied for an hour to two hours and spend a few minutes eating a snack / reading a non law related book / taking a walk etc. YOUR BRAIN NEEDS A BIT OF TIME TO PROCESS WHAT YOU ARE MEMORIZING / LEARNING!! YOU WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE IF YOU “BURN OUT” BY WORKING TOO LONG WITHOUT STEPPING AWAY FOR A LITTLE TIME. Btw, did you know your brain is always processing information, even when you are not studying?! How amazing is that?!

You will be surprised how concepts you were struggling to memorize / understand will become so much clearer when you come back to them after a break. You will also be refreshed and ready to “hit the books” with renewed energy.

If you are a workaholic (or studyaholic) like me, you will be tempted to work for hours without stopping. I found when I did that I only made it harder on myself. If I took breaks, my study time was more effective and enjoyable.

Of course, I was not working FT when I went through the paralegal course. If I had been juggling courses and FT work, this would not have been as much of an issue. And it goes without saying (but I’m going to say it) that those of you who struggle with taking too many breaks while studying (yes, that is possible) should not view this post as meant for you. You need to focus on doing the opposite and disciplining yourself to study for an hour or two before taking a break.

So study hard but remember: TAKE BREAKS!:)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Finals Blessings (Posted by Jenny)

Hello guys,

I was reading through the Psalms a few days ago and the Lord brought you and your upcoming finals to mind as I read the following verses. I hope they will bless and encourage you as you study for your exams.

In particular, Psalms 18:39 will always have a special place in my heart. Several years ago, I was away from home cramming for one of my paralegal tests and found an index card in one of my textbooks with that verse written on it. I recognized the handwriting as my mother’s and knew she would be praying that verse for me as I studied. Isn’t it amazing how God uses mothers to give us exactly what we need even before we know we need anything?

You will all be in my thoughts & prayers over the next few weeks. May our Abba Father give you His perfect peace, wisdom, and gird you with strength “for the battle.”

Best of success,


Psalm 18 (Amplified Version)

v. 28 For You cause my lamp to be lighted and to shine; the Lord my God illuminates my darkness.

v.29 For by You I can run through a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.

v.31 For who is God except the Lord? Or who is the Rock save our God?

v.32 The God who girds me with strength and makes my way perfect.

v.33 He makes my feet like hinds’ feet [able to stand firmly or make progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble] . He sets me securely upon my high places.

v.39 For You have girded me with strength for the battle…