This blog and the people behind it are here to help you be as successful as possible through this course. All four of us have graduated the paralegal program and applied its knowledge in our own respective careers. Even though we have all used the paralegal program as a foundation, our different paths reflect the amazing possibilities that this course can open up for you--in law and elsewhere.
This blog also has the goal of connecting paralegal students and graduates into a comprehensive network that we can use to assist each other. If you have a website, please e-mail me and I will add you to the blogroll in the sidebar.
I would encourage you to ask questions of the mentors, and leave comments here on the blog, as you plow ahead through the paralegal program. We will reply to you, and post answers to those questions here for the benefit of all the students. Don't worry; we won't put your names up here without your permission or anything like that, so ask away!
You will get to know all of us throughout the year, and I will let each mentor introduce themselves as they see fit. To let you know a little bit about me, I graduated with the P01B class (way back in the dark ages!) and am about a month from being finished with my OBCL Juris Doctor studies. I'm in my third year of serving as the Criminal Law Teaching Assistant for the OBCL JD program. I do a some legal work here in Charleston, SC, but primarily I am in the non-profit world, where I direct Remember, a ministry to the widows and orphans of martyrs worldwide. If you would like to know more about me, feel free to visit my personal blog.
Here is the mentor breakdown for the first quarter:
Jenny - Legal Philosophy and ReasoningYou should have contact information for us in your letter from Professor Gundlach. If you don't, leave a comment and I will make sure you know how to get your questions to the right mentor.
Alex - Basic Principles of Counseling
Steven - Torts
Gabe - Contracts
Looking forward to working with you!