Saturday, October 18, 2008

Communicating with Clients (Posted by Jenny)

Although you are buried under lots of coursework and the “practical” legal world may seem far away, it is never too early to begin preparing yourself for what will await you if you choose to work in the legal arena after you graduate.

One of the biggest parts of your job (especially if you are the only paralegal in your firm) will be communicating with clients. Never underestimate the importance of this sometimes challenging & difficult duty.

Your attorney (even if he is like mine and very prompt at returning calls) will just not be able to speak with a client every time they call. Although we now have e-mail that comes to our phones, people often choose to call with questions / concerns as they need to hear a reassuring voice telling them matters are moving forward.

Your attorney will rely on you to pass information, calm fears, answer any concerns that you can (staying within your role of course) and pass on to him anything and everything else that he needs to know / handle.

You will have to remind yourself sometimes when calls come when your desk is full of work that HAS to get done or the client is being irritable, that you are seeing these people at some of the worst times in their lives. They are often angry / defensive because they are scared of what the future holds for them. Just as an attorney is also called a counselor, it will be your job to “counsel” clients and calm their fears.

Also, you will find that there are many questions you can answer that will save your attorney tons of time. Although you can’t give legal advice, you can explain procedures and relay information back and forth from your attorney. This may sound confusing, but it will become very clear when you work as a paralegal.

Again, I am not saying you are to give legal advice (that is your attorney’s job) but by providing a listening ear and the knowledge that you will make sure the attorney gets their messages and gets back to them when he can (as well as answering the questions you are able), you will be both an asset to your firm and a comfort to the clients who hire it.

If you had told me I would spend a great deal of time on the phone with clients, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. However, that is a big part of my current job.

I won’t lie and say it is easy. My firm specializes in criminal & family law, and things can be pretty hectic sometimes. I have had to listen to people crying uncontrollably or yelling at me. Sometimes I come home utterly exhausted and don’t even want to talk to my family. But you know what makes it worth it? To know that I have done my best for my attorney, and most importantly, the Lord.

It may be rare for a client to thank you, but you will find over time as their case progresses, they give you something more precious than a simple thank you: their trust.

Most people don’t think of the law as a customer service business. But it is and don’t ever forget it. From the first time they call and set up an appointment to the time you close their file, it is your job to do everything you can to make things as easy as possible for them.

There is so much I could say here and so many examples I could give, but I’ll leave you with this one:

When I came to the firm where I work a year ago, there were many unhappy clients because of a prior assistant. One lady in particular was difficult. I couldn’t seem to do anything to make her happy. As the months passed, however, her attitude changed. I didn’t notice at first with everything else going on, but one day she had to come in for an appointment. As soon as she walked in the door, she asked if I was Jenny. When I said yes, she told me how happy she was to finally meet me. I was totally floored. I suddenly realized we had turned the corner and that she now trusted me in a way she definitely had not before. And that made my day.

So remember when you hang up the phone someday and want to throw it across the room, your job is to support your attorney and serve your client the best you can. Even if they never say thank you, you will have the comfort of knowing you served them well. And that is why we are there, to serve our clients. And most importantly, the Lord.

Colossians 3:23-24 (New International Version)
“23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

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